2016 OSHA Trends Present Peril for Unprepared Employers

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On Friday, April 29, Reinhart and GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. presented 2016 OSHA Trends Present Peril for Unprepared Employers. As the current administration wraps up its final year, OSHA is taking the opportunity to finalize rules, make changes and solidify procedures. This seminar outlined OSHA’s 2016 agenda and trends, and how employers can prepare themselves to ensure compliance with OSHA requirements, avoid or minimize penalties, and guard their employees’ health and safety in the workplace.

Topics included:

  • Introduction to OSHA’s new penalty authority and 2016 initiatives
  • Strategies for dealing with OSHA from inspection through litigation
  • Health and safety areas of special concern to OSHA
  • Issues that arise with temporary workers and in the construction context

Please click the links below to access the presentation materials:

OSHA Presentation

Ten Steps Employers Should Take When Involved In an OSHA Matter

About Our Speakers and Contributors

Troy E. Giles is a shareholder in Reinhart's Environmental and Real Estate Practices.
Michael J. McCoy is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional with GZA.
Scott D. Prill is a consultant in Reinhart's Environmental and Real Estate Practices.
Carolyn A. Sullivan is an attorney in Reinhart's Environmental and Real Estate Practices.
John H. Zawadsky is a shareholder and head of Reinhart's Labor and Employment Practice at the Madison office.


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