Shareholder Kelsey Berns Authors Article for Blue Magazine
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- Shareholder Kelsey Berns Authors Article for Blue Magazine
Reinhart shareholder Kelsey Berns recently authored an article for Blue magazine titled, “Is What’s Mine, Ours? Understanding Community Property.” Kelsey explores what community property is and how this classification can have a major impact on many aspects of a married couple’s life, including estate planning, income and estate tax planning, creditors’ rights and more.
Kelsey L. Berns is a shareholder in Reinhart’s Trusts and Estates Practice where she advises wealthy individuals and families on a wide range of estate planning matters, such as complex wealth transfer planning, charitable planning strategies and tax planning. Kelsey often works with clients who are relocating from Wisconsin to Florida or reside in both states throughout the year. She understands the complex property and tax issues that can arise with new or dual residencies and works with clients to maximize the protections and benefits both states offer.