Reinhart IT Director Jerry Bishop Shares Insights on Upgrading Firm's Desktop Virtualization Performance

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  3. Reinhart IT Director Jerry Bishop Shares Insights on Upgrading Firm's Desktop Virtualization Performance

Reinhart's lawyers and support staff rely on virtual desktops to communicate, conduct research, write contracts and briefs, and prepare for trials, says IT Director Jerry Bishop. And if legal teams notice even the slightest slowdown in performance, the IT department hears about it and must rush to find a fix.

Not too long ago, it wasn’t that uncommon for users to be typing emails and “notice the letters were not appearing on their screens immediately. Or they would try to scroll with their mouse and click on the screen, and it would take a moment for it to catch up,” Bishop says.

In this case study from CDW, uncover more of Jerry's insights and read how Reinhart's IT team updated its back-office environment and enhanced desktop virtualization performance and data protection.

Click here to read the full case study »
