Reinhart Hospice Minute

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Back when Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren established its Hospice and Palliative Care Practice Group, we set out to make the business of hospice our mission. Now, decades later, the industry has changed dramatically, but our mission remains the same. We continue to dedicate our practice to serving as partners and trusted advisors to hospices nationwide, while at the same time elevating the level of value we provide. This is reflected in the resources we offer which so many hospices depend on every day, including industry alerts, toolkits – and now, the Reinhart Hospice Law Library.

We understand it can be difficult to stay up-to-date with constantly changing laws and regulations, in addition to keeping track of current requirements and pertinent historical information. As a result, we developed this valuable new resource to partner with hospices beyond providing legal services. The Hospice Law Library is a collection of relevant materials providers can quickly reference at their convenience. The library includes federal hospice laws, regulations, CMS commentary, guidance and Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports, all organized in one easy-to-access place. Be sure to revisit the library as we continue to update it with additional materials, including helpful checklists and presentations.

Using our nearly 20 years of experience representing clients in the hospice industry, Reinhart's Hospice and Palliative Care Practice Group is pleased to continue offering resources to hospices along their entire continuum of service. We know that the business of hospice care continues to become more complex, which is why we are working every day to share the knowledge we gain from working with hospices nationwide to develop ever-creative legal solutions and resources for our clients. We also value our numerous relationships with national, state and local hospice groups and associations, and are happy to offer multiple resources in order to provide value for their members.

Visit our complimentary Reinhart Hospice Law Library to learn more, or feel free to contact a member of the Hospice and Palliative Care Team. We are always here to help.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or the hospice website page for notifications of future Reinhart Hospice Minutes, presentations and other communications to support your hospice.


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