Reinhart Attorneys Legally Blogging
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MILWAUKEE – Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Litigation Attorney Anne Reed and members of the Reinhart Securitized Mortgage and Loan Fraud Team have each created a blog to further educate clients and individuals in the greater community about their respective practices.
Anne Reed is a shareholder in the firm's Litigation Department and head of the firm's ERISA litigation practice group. An important part of Reed's practice concerns jury consulting and trial presentation. Reed created her blog, Deliberations, as a resource to those perplexed by the complex nature of juries. Editors of the ABA Journal on Nov. 28 announced that they have selected Deliberations as one of the top 100 best websites by lawyers, for lawyers.
"Lawyers nationwide are using the power of the Internet to educate the public about developments in the law, market their practices and attract new clients," says Edward A. Adams, the Journal’s editor and publisher. "Our list of the 100 best lawyer blogs is the cream of the crop from our directory of more than 1,500 blogs in dozens of categories, including blogs focused on almost every state, law school and major federal court in the nation."
Anne's blog was also chosen as one of the top ten law related blogs by Blawg Review.
While Anne's blog addresses the importance of understanding and selecting juries, Reinhart attorneys in the Securitized Mortgage and Loan Fraud Team are reaching out to another area increasingly in need of legal insight—those affected by the subprime mortgage crisis. Considering the impact the mortgage crisis has had and will continue to have on the economy, their Mortgage Meltdown blog offers a much needed discussion on the surrounding legal issues.
The Reinhart Securitized Mortgage and Loan Fraud Team is a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers devoted to handling the issues their business clients are facing due to the subprime mortgage crisis and the resulting turmoil in the credit markets. The team established Mortgage Meltdown to provide information and news about subprime mortgage litigation and legislation. Mortgage Meltdown, has featured posts titled, "Fiduciaries Could Try To Pass The Buck To Rating Agencies," "FASB 157: Day of Reckoning?," and "Public Pension Plans Caught In The Subprime Web."