Reinhart Attorneys Author "Commercial Real Estate Transactions in Wisconsin"

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MILWAUKEE – Several Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. attorneys have collaborated to write "Commercial Real Estate Transactions in Wisconsin," a comprehensive guide to the legal aspects of buying and selling commercial real estate.

The recently released book, published by the State Bar of Wisconsin, guides buyers and sellers through every step of the real estate transaction process. It provides both a practical and a legal perspective to transactions for both buyers and sellers. In addition to a comprehensive discussion of listing contract, purchase contract and title insurance issues, the book also covers real estate topics not covered extensively elsewhere, such as investment analysis, due diligence, hazard insurance and real estate taxation. The 590-page book also includes numerous forms and checklists to guide real estate professionals from the beginning to the end of a transaction.

Contributing attorneys from Reinhart's Real Estate practice include: lead authors Harvey L. Temkin and Jesse S. Ishikawa along with Nathan J. Wautier, Justin F. Oeth, Robert W. Habich, Melanie S. Lee, Raymond M. Roder, J. Bushnell Nielsen, Pamela H. Schaefer, and Rebecca Leair. Daniel P. Cooper from Reinhart's Tax practice also shared his insight.