Reinhart Attorney Somers Elected to Treasurer of the Board of Directors for the State Bar of Wisconsin's Tax Section

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MILWAUKEE – Attorney Kristina E. Somers, of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., has been elected Treasurer of the Board of Directors for the State Bar of Wisconsin's Tax Section. She is currently serving a three-year term (which expires in 2012) on the Board of Directors.

"Being on the Board of Directors of the Tax Section keeps me intimately aware of legislation and other matters of vital interest to taxpayers," Somers said. "The Board has the opportunity to take a position with respect to those issues and our added input may affect tax legislation." Somers' responsibilities as treasurer include administering the budget and keeping track of the financial status of the Tax Section.

Somers, a shareholder in Reinhart's Tax, Litigation and Tax-Exempt Organizations Practices, advocates for clients in tax controversy disputes and offers planning strategies to minimize taxes. She has significant experience assisting clients in a variety of state and local tax matters including sales and use taxes, income and franchise taxes, property taxes and real estate transfer fees.

Somers attended Boston College Law School and earned her undergraduate from Yale University. She chairs the Tax Section of the Milwaukee Bar Association and is a member of the Wisconsin State and Local Tax Club, the Institute of Professionals in Taxation and the Wisconsin Association of Assessing Officers.


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