OSHA Targets 4,000 High-Hazard Worksites for Unannounced Inspections in 2004

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  3. OSHA Targets 4,000 High-Hazard Worksites for Unannounced Inspections in 2004

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") of the U.S. Department of Labor recently announced that it will target 4,000 high-hazard worksites for unannounced inspections this year. These 4,000 worksites have a Days Away Restricted or Transferred ("DART") rate of 15 or more or a Days Away from Work Injury and Illness ("DAFWII" ) rate of 10 or more. In addition to the 4,000 high-hazard worksites, OSHA intends to inspect: 200 randomly selected low rate worksites from high rate industries; nursing and personal care facilities in SIC codes 8051, 8052, and 8059; and nomesponders to the 2003 OSHA Data Initiative survey. OSHA also notified 13,000 employers whose worker injury and illness rates for 2002 were higher than their industry average that they are high rate workplaces.

Facilities at which OSHA conducts an unannounced comprehensive safety and health inspection may be subject to citations and penalties. If you would like to know whether you are likely to be targeted for an unannounced inspection, please call a member of our OSHA team. We would be happy to help you prepare for a potential inspection as well as help you follow up if you are inspected. We can also suggest taking steps to lower your DART or DFWII rates proactively.

Our OSHA team is currently preparing a seminar to be presented in Fall 2004. Topics include what to do when an OSHA inspector shows up at your door and how to minimize potential OSHA penalties. If you would like more information on the seminar, please contact Heather Van Roo at hvanroo@reinhartlaw .com.


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