Impact of FFCRA on Employers and Plan Sponsors

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In the May 2020 issue of Benefits Magazine published by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Stacie Kalmer and Katie Kratcha authored the article: Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Impact on Employers and Plan Sponsors. In the article, they describe how the FFCRA, which Preside Trump signed into law in March 2020, will impact employers and plan sponsors both for the rest of 2020 and, potentially, beyond despite the law expiring on December 31, 2020.

If you have any questions about the FFCRA and the potential impact these legal changes could have on your benefit plans, please contact your Reinhart attorney.

Reproduced with permission from Benefits Magazine, Volume 57 Number 5, pages 18-24, May 2020, published by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (, Brookfield, Wisconsin. All rights reserved. Statements or opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or positions of the International Foundation, its officers, directors or staff. No further transmission or electronic distribution of this material is permitted.


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