Chambers USA Recognizes Reinhart Lawyers and Practice Groups as Legal Profession Leaders

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  3. Chambers USA Recognizes Reinhart Lawyers and Practice Groups as Legal Profession Leaders

MILWAUKEE – Fourteen Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. lawyers and all of Reinhart's practice areas for the six categories listed by Chambers in the State of Wisconsin have been recognized in the 2010 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business.

Reinhart earned a top ranking in Wisconsin for its Real Estate practice. Chambers also ranked Reinhart's Corporate Law / Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Litigation, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment and Natural Resources & Environmental practices.

The Chambers USA guide to U.S. law firms stands out among the various published legal profession surveys and directories because of its objective selection methodology and research-based interviews with law firm clients and lawyers across the United States.

The following Reinhart lawyers are singled out for praise and recognized as leading lawyers in the 2010 Chambers USA guide:


  • Donald P. Gallo in Natural Resources & Environmental
  • Dean B. Richards in Real Estate