10 Questions Every Hospice Employee Should Be Able to Answer
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- 10 Questions Every Hospice Employee Should Be Able to Answer
The following is a sampling of questions that auditors have often posed to hospice staff members at all levels when conducting onsite interviews:
(This list is also available in a PDF/print friendly version for your convenience.)
- Have you received training about Medicare regulations?
- Do you have access to the hospice’s policies and procedures, and know where they are kept?
- What are the criteria for admitting a patient?
- Who determines if a patient is appropriate or eligible for hospice?
- Do you know the process for recertification?
- What is your discharge process, and who determines if and when a patient will be discharged?
- Do you know why a patient is admitted to GIP or continuous care?
- Who determines if a patient starts or ends GIP or continuous care?
- Who determines the primary terminal diagnosis?
- Can anyone - you, upper management, or IT - make changes to your documentation or someone else’s documentation?
If you have any questions about how you can prepare for on-site auditor, please contact a member of the Hospice and Palliative Care team